It has been ages since I sewed for is the outcome of 1 hour work! I just sewed the one side seam, put it the elastic cording and ta da.....a
NEW SKIRT for moi! *grin*

I bought this fabric about a month ago at Nagoya when NNC had the mini stitching bee in Ipoh. It has a very pretty Japanese style print on a pink background and I knew I had to buy it!
LOL However, it is not Japanese cotton which I initially thought was. It is made in Thailand as there was a mark on the selvedge with Thai script! :( Anyway, I still have a new skirt.......
Congrads, Janet. The print is lovely even thou not Japanese cotton.
hehhe i also bought the same type but with orange color. plan to make a long skirt for my niece :). indeed is a nice fabric
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